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Old Sep 23, 2006, 11:00 PM // 23:00   #1
Frost Gate Guardian
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Default heros with pets - bug

so... i tried making my koss into an iway war for giggles... i hooked him up with charm animal, and went out and captured him a pet flamingo. then, i went back into town, left into another zone to do some killing, AND HE HAD NO PET

bummer. i want my heros to be able to have pets of their own xD
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Old Sep 24, 2006, 12:02 AM // 00:02   #2
Wilds Pathfinder
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Nightfall World Preview Event Limitations (From: updates page)

The following features will be part of the release of Guild Wars Nightfall, but are not available during this preview event.

* Skill Templates - In Nightfall, you will be able to save and load skill and attribute builds to disk, enabling you to quickly switch strategies and outfit your Heroes.
* Hero Battles - After the release of Nightfall you will be able to unlock Heroes for your use with your PvP characters, and you will be able to bring Heroes into a new type of PvP where players can compete head-to-head for the first time.

Also, the following issues are known to exist with the features being previewed during this weekend event.

* Hero AI for using skills is still under development.
* Heroes cannot capture skills using Signet of Capture, nor can they control pets using Charm Animal.
* Hero armor cannot yet be upgraded using runes.
* The visual appearance of Hero armor in the Inventory panel, and the text descriptions of the Hero's attributes and items, do not take into account the sex of the Hero.
* The tutorials in Prophecies and Factions have not been updated to reflect the Nightfall user interface changes.
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Old Sep 24, 2006, 12:10 AM // 00:10   #3
Frost Gate Guardian
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well, sure showed me xD~
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Old Oct 05, 2006, 06:47 PM // 18:47   #4
Frost Gate Guardian
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I realise that it's been clearly stated(as quoted above) that the heros cannot charm animals during the preview event. have we had any official confirmation from A-net if this is a condition that will remain the same once the game is launched. I realise it could be pretty overpowered if all your heros had pets, but then again, it would be no more overpowered than having four real players with pets(in fact it would probably be less) I think it would be really cool if this ended up being added in the real release of the game(definately would make me buy it)
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Old Oct 05, 2006, 08:18 PM // 20:18   #5
Jungle Guide
Join Date: Feb 2005

I would think they could/should/would, though I think it's a bit amusing you're controlling a hero with a pet in tow (and even attack with them through your heroes pet attacks) - but sure, hero MMs work so why wouldn't that. Even be funnier for heroes to be able to control heroes who can control heroes... ;D

But yeah I'm guessing somewhere out there is confirmation of it, or there will be - otherwise they'd effectively be removing charm animal and the pet line of skills from the hero lineup.

Last edited by CKaz; Oct 05, 2006 at 08:20 PM // 20:20..
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